On Friday, October 18, 2024, the Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC) will conduct interviews for the
position of District Judge, Payne and Logan Counties – District 9, Office 1:
- Jenna Willene Brown Watonga
- Louis Alvin Duel Jr. Guthrie
- Jodie Lyn Gage Stillwater
- Tracy Emmet Morgan Stillwater
- Jason Allen Reese The Village
- Thomas Jeremy Sasser Norman
- Katherine Elder Thomas Stillwater
Immediately following the interviews, the JNC will provide the Governor a list of three nominees, and the
Governor will have 60 days to make the appointment from those nominees.
The JNC strongly encourages the public to continue submitting comments on these applicants. Comments must be received prior to October 18, 2024, and may be mailed to:
Administrative Office of the Courts
Attn: Gina Antipov
2100 North Lincoln, Suite 3
Oklahoma City OK 73105 and/or
James Bland
Chair, Judicial Nominating Commission
100 East Carl Albert Parkway
McAlester, Oklahoma 74501